Student Association

Who is the Student Association for? 

We’re here to support you and ensure you have a brilliant learning experience while studying at South Lanarkshire College. Our priorities are:   

  • empowering the student voice 
  • supporting the wellbeing of students 
  • creating a fun learning environment 

The Student Association is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS). It’s led by an executive committee of elected representatives from across the student body. 

What does the Student Association do?  

We support students and help you achieve your goals throughout your academic career: 

  • we signpost students to college and other sources of support  
  • we work closely with college departments and external organisations to help us improve the student experience and learn more about how we can help 
  • we work closely with the Young Person’s Guarantee Project, as well as the NUS 
  • we organise fun events such as Freshers' and Refreshers' weeks 
  • help students find part-time employment whilst studying 
  • we’re involved in national events such as Purple Friday and Mental Health Week

Student mental health agreement  

We support student mental health and wellbeing, working with the college to create an annual student mental health agreement (SMHA). This is part of the national Think Positive initiative to support student mental health. Over the years we've presented at the annual Think Positive conference to share the work that's being done.

Please see below our current SMHA:

Student Mental Health Agreement 2022/2024

Student Mental Health Agreement 2022/2024 (signed copy)

Read our previous SMHAs:

LGBT Silver Charter Mark  

LGBT charter silver logo

We’ve been awarded the LGBT Silver Charter Mark by LGBT Youth Scotland recognising our work with the College to make sure you have an inclusive place to study. We arrange events such as Purple Friday and activities during LGBT History Month.

Who are we?  

Our Student Association is led by our President and Vice President. For 2024/25 these are: 

President – Catriona Blacker


Vice President – Jack Whyte




Where to find us

You can find the Student Association office on the ground floor atrium.

How to get involved

You can get involved in any of the following roles: 

  • full-time paid Student President 
  • paid part-time Vice-President 
  • eight Executive Committee Student Officers 
  • Class Representatives 

Keep an eye on this page and our social media channels for more information and to get involved. The election notice and election results will be announced via the student newsletter every two weeks.

President and Vice-President: elections for these are usually in May, with those elected taking up their posts at the start of July. The election notice and election results are posted around the college. Voting takes place on Moodle. 

Student Officers: help the Student Association throughout the year. These are voluntary roles. By taking on this role, students get a better insight into the working of the Student Association and build key life skills. Elections for these posts are usually in September. The roles are advertised throughout the college, and students are encouraged to write a manifesto to share with peers. Students vote for their preferred candidate via Moodle.

Class Representatives: voted in by classmates and lecturers. Being a class rep is a great opportunity. It means you are the voice for your class. You are expected to bring any issues to your lecturer’s attention, as well as being a guide for your fellow students. Class reps are invited to regular meetings and receive training. 

SA elections

SA election pack available here

SA Student Officer election pack available here

Executive committee roles


  • Engage and involve all students in events held by the Student Association.
  • Main representative of SLCSA who meets regularly with the College. Management Team and reports information and feedback to SLCSA and attends functions as the main representative of the Student Association.
  • Set and manage Student Association Objectives. Delegates tasks to Office Bearers.
  • Work with external organisations to gain support for students, such as NUS, SPARQS, SAMH, and Citizens Advice.
  • Ensure that elections happen in accordance with the association constitution; ensure that democratic procedures are upheld, including by-elections.
  • Work with other Lanarkshire Presidents to consult on, plan and develop the student representation structure for the Lanarkshire Federation. Work to co-ordinate, support and enhance each other’s work and ensure the student voice is represented at regional level.
  • Be the official spokesperson of the Association to the media and external bodies.
  • Comply with and enforce the Associations agreed financial regulations, draft an annual budget in conjunction with the Vice President, monitor expenditure and ensure financial transactions are legitimate and necessary paperwork and receipts are kept.
  • Be an ambassador for SLC and SLCSA and promote the work of the Student Association at every possible opportunity.
  • Engage and involve all students in events held by the Student Association.
  • Main representative of SLCSA who meets regularly with the College Management Team and reports information and feedback to SLCSA and attends functions.
  • Work closely with key staff to ensure the College’s commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability is maintained and is embedded in the work of the Student Association.
  • This list is not exhaustive and there may be other activities relevant to their role that the President is required to carry out throughout their term in office. Please also note that all candidates must be on track to pass their current course of study.

Vice president

  • Deputise in the absence of the Student President.
  • Chair Executive Committee meetings in the absence of the Student President and ensure minutes are being taken by an Office Bearer.
  • Encourage and involve all students in the work of the Student Association.
  • Be responsible for tasks set out by the Student Executive Committee.
  • Represent the Student Association at events such as NUS Conference.
  • Comply with and enforce the Student Association agreed financial regulations, draft an annual budget in conjunction with the Student President, monitor expenditure and ensure financial transactions are legitimate and necessary paperwork and receipts are kept.
  • Represent the student voice at committees such as Mental Health Awareness, Equality, ITC and Sustainability in the absence of the championed Office Bearer.
  • Be an ambassador for the Student Association and promote the work of SLCSA at every possible opportunity.
  • Work closely with key staff to ensure The College’s commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability is maintained and is embedded in the work of the Student Association.

Executive committee student officers

  • Represent the student voice at committees such as Quality Enhancement, Equality, ITC, Mental Health and Sustainability and report back to the SA Executive Committee.
  • Attend student focus groups, Student Question Time and other events which promote the student voice.
  • Be available to speak with students during Student Association open office (as per rota set).
  • Promote positive involvement and encourage all students to engage with South Lanarkshire College Student Association.
  • Represent all students from all different diversity groups: provide prospective views which affect under represented students.
  • Work together within the Student Association team to set up events which will support students.
  • Be an ambassador for the Student Association and promote the work of SLCSA at every possible opportunity.
  • Help update the SA Facebook and Twitter and produce a student newsletter.
  • Work closely with key staff to ensure the College’s commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability is maintained and is embedded in the work of the Student Association.

What clubs/associations are on offer?  

We’re keen to begin social clubs in the college and would love any suggestions. Email us at or visit the Student Association office in the ground floor atrium. 


View the Student Association constitution

Strategic plan

View our strategic plan